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Exploring The Game Of Thrones Map: Dorne

Written by Pauline Lafleur Oct 04, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Exploring The Game Of Thrones Map: Dorne

The world of Game of Thrones is vast and full of wonder. Every kingdom, every region, has its own unique culture and story to tell. In this article, we'll be exploring the southernmost region of Westeros: Dorne.

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Westeros Dorne by 86Botond on DeviantArt Game of thrones artwork
Westeros Dorne by 86Botond on DeviantArt Game of thrones artwork from

The world of Game of Thrones is vast and full of wonder. Every kingdom, every region, has its own unique culture and story to tell. In this article, we'll be exploring the southernmost region of Westeros: Dorne.

Where is Dorne?

Dorne is located in the southwestern part of Westeros, bordering the Summer Sea to the south and the Reach to the north. It is known for its hot and arid climate, as well as its unique customs and traditions.

What Makes Dorne Unique?

One of the most distinctive features of Dorne is its history of resistance against the Targaryen dynasty. Unlike the rest of Westeros, which was conquered by the Targaryens and forced to submit to their rule, Dorne remained independent for over a century.

Another unique aspect of Dorne is its system of inheritance. Unlike other kingdoms, where male heirs are given priority over female heirs, Dorne practices equal primogeniture. This means that the eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits the title and lands of their parents.

Exploring the Cities of Dorne

One of the most famous cities in Dorne is Sunspear, the seat of House Martell. Sunspear is located on the coast and is known for its beautiful gardens and intricate waterways.

Another notable city in Dorne is the Planky Town, a bustling port town located at the mouth of the Greenblood River. The Planky Town is home to many traders and merchants, making it an important center of commerce in the region.

What Are the Major Houses of Dorne?

There are several major houses in Dorne, each with their own unique history and traditions. House Martell is perhaps the most well-known, as they are the rulers of Sunspear and have played a key role in many of the major events of recent history.

Other notable houses include House Yronwood, which is known for their fierce loyalty to House Martell, and House Dayne, which is famous for their legendary sword, Dawn.

The Dornish People

The people of Dorne are known for their fiery personalities and their love of song and dance. Dornish cuisine is also unique, featuring spicy peppers and exotic fruits.

One thing that sets the Dornish apart from the rest of Westeros is their attitude towards sex and love. Unlike the more conservative regions of Westeros, where premarital sex is frowned upon, the Dornish are known for their liberal attitudes towards sexuality.

What Happened to Dorne in the War of the Five Kings?

Dorne played a relatively small role in the War of the Five Kings, which was fought between several claimants to the Iron Throne. However, towards the end of the war, House Martell made a strategic alliance with House Targaryen, which resulted in the downfall of House Lannister and the ascendance of Daenerys Targaryen to the Iron Throne.


Dorne is a fascinating region with a rich history and unique culture. From its fiery people to its delicious cuisine, there is much to explore and discover in this southernmost kingdom of Westeros.

Do You Have Any Questions About Dorne?

If you have any questions about Dorne or the world of Game of Thrones, feel free to leave them in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you!

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