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The Map Of Game Of Thrones: The Wall

Written by Mable Stanley Mar 20, 2022 · 3 min read
The Map Of Game Of Thrones: The Wall

Game of Thrones has been one of the most popular TV series of all time. One of the most iconic locations in the series is The Wall. The Wall is a massive fortification that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the wildlings and the White Walkers. In this article, we will explore the map of Game of Thrones: The Wall.

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34 Map Of The Wall Game Of Thrones Maps Database Source
34 Map Of The Wall Game Of Thrones Maps Database Source from


Game of Thrones has been one of the most popular TV series of all time. One of the most iconic locations in the series is The Wall. The Wall is a massive fortification that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the wildlings and the White Walkers. In this article, we will explore the map of Game of Thrones: The Wall.

The Wall

The Wall is a colossal structure made of ice and fortified with castles and towers. It stretches for over 300 miles along the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. The Wall is manned by the Night's Watch, an ancient order that protects the realm from the dangers beyond.


What is The Wall?


The Wall is a massive fortification that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the wildlings and the White Walkers.

The Map

The map of Game of Thrones: The Wall shows the entire length of the structure, as well as the castles and towers that are situated along it. The map also shows the surrounding areas, including the lands beyond The Wall.


What does the map of Game of Thrones: The Wall show?


The map of Game of Thrones: The Wall shows the entire length of the structure, as well as the castles and towers that are situated along it.

The Castles

The castles of The Wall are strategically placed along its length. Each castle is manned by members of the Night's Watch and serves as a base for the defense of the realm. The castles are interconnected by tunnels and passages, allowing the Night's Watch to move troops and supplies quickly.


What is the purpose of the castles along The Wall?


The castles along The Wall serve as bases for the defense of the realm. They are manned by members of the Night's Watch.

The Lands Beyond The Wall

The lands beyond The Wall are vast and largely unexplored. They are home to the wildlings, a fierce and independent people who reject the authority of the Seven Kingdoms. The lands beyond The Wall are also home to the White Walkers, an ancient race of ice creatures who are the greatest threat to the realm.


Who lives in the lands beyond The Wall?


The lands beyond The Wall are home to the wildlings and the White Walkers.

The Night's Watch

The Night's Watch is an ancient order that is dedicated to protecting the realm from the dangers beyond The Wall. The Night's Watch is made up of men who have taken a vow of celibacy and loyalty to the order. They are stationed at the castles along The Wall and are responsible for keeping the wildlings and the White Walkers at bay.


What is the Night's Watch?


The Night's Watch is an ancient order that is dedicated to protecting the realm from the dangers beyond The Wall.

The Conclusion

The map of Game of Thrones: The Wall is an essential tool for understanding the geography of the Seven Kingdoms. It shows the location of The Wall, the surrounding areas, and the castles along its length. It also highlights the lands beyond The Wall, which are home to the wildlings and the White Walkers. The Night's Watch is responsible for defending the realm from these threats, making them an essential part of the Game of Thrones universe.


Why is the map of Game of Thrones: The Wall important?


The map of Game of Thrones: The Wall is important because it shows the geography of the Seven Kingdoms, the location of The Wall, and the lands beyond it. It also highlights the Night's Watch, who are responsible for defending the realm from the wildlings and the White Walkers.

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