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Exploring The Map Of Michigan Ghost Towns

Written by Juan Stafford Dec 17, 2022 · 3 min read
Exploring The Map Of Michigan Ghost Towns

Ghost towns are a fascinating piece of history. These abandoned settlements were once bustling with life and activity, but now stand as a reminder of a bygone era. Michigan is home to several ghost towns that are worth exploring, each with its own unique story to tell.

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Ghost Towns of Benzie County Michigan, Ghost towns, Vintage world maps
Ghost Towns of Benzie County Michigan, Ghost towns, Vintage world maps from

The Fascinating History of Ghost Towns

Ghost towns are a fascinating piece of history. These abandoned settlements were once bustling with life and activity, but now stand as a reminder of a bygone era. Michigan is home to several ghost towns that are worth exploring, each with its own unique story to tell.

What Are Ghost Towns?

Ghost towns are abandoned settlements that were once thriving communities. They usually came into existence due to a specific industry or natural resource, such as mining, logging, or farming. When the industry or resource dried up, the town was often left to decay and eventually abandoned.

What Causes a Town to Become a Ghost Town?

There are several reasons why a town may become a ghost town. Sometimes it is due to a natural disaster, such as a flood or earthquake. Other times it is due to a man-made disaster, such as a fire or economic collapse. In some cases, the town may simply no longer serve a purpose, such as when a mine or logging camp closes down.

The History of Ghost Towns in Michigan

Michigan is home to several ghost towns, each with its own unique story to tell. Here are just a few of the most notable:

Keweenaw Peninsula

The Keweenaw Peninsula was once a bustling copper mining region. The town of Central was established in the mid-1800s to support the mining industry, but by the early 1900s, the copper had dried up and the town was abandoned.

Pere Cheney

Pere Cheney was a small logging town that was established in the mid-1800s. It was named after the town's first postmaster, John Cheney. The town was hit hard by a diphtheria epidemic in the late 1800s, and many of its residents died. The town was eventually abandoned, and now all that remains is a cemetery.

Exploring Michigan's Ghost Towns Today

Today, many of Michigan's ghost towns are popular tourist destinations. Visitors can explore the abandoned buildings and learn about the history of these once-thriving communities. Some ghost towns have even been restored and turned into living history museums.

What Should I Bring When Exploring a Ghost Town?

When exploring a ghost town, it is important to bring the right gear. You should wear sturdy shoes and clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. You should also bring a camera to document your adventure, as well as plenty of water and snacks.

Is It Safe to Explore a Ghost Town?

While exploring a ghost town can be a fun adventure, it is important to remember that these abandoned settlements can be dangerous. Buildings may be unstable, and there may be hazards such as rusty nails or broken glass. Always exercise caution when exploring a ghost town, and be sure to follow any posted safety guidelines.


Michigan's ghost towns are a fascinating piece of history that are worth exploring. Whether you're interested in mining, logging, or just love a good adventure, there's something for everyone in Michigan's ghost towns. So grab your camera, pack your snacks, and get ready to explore!

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