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The Map Of Free Cities: A Guide To Game Of Thrones

Written by Juan Stafford Oct 16, 2022 ยท 3 min read
The Map Of Free Cities: A Guide To Game Of Thrones

If you're a Game of Thrones fan, you know that the world of Westeros is vast and complex. But did you know that there are other major cities in the world of Game of Thrones? The Free Cities are a group of nine independent city-states located across the Narrow Sea from Westeros. In this article, we will focus on the map of Free Cities and explore the history, culture, and geography of these fascinating places.

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The Free Cities Fantastic Maps
The Free Cities Fantastic Maps from


If you're a Game of Thrones fan, you know that the world of Westeros is vast and complex. But did you know that there are other major cities in the world of Game of Thrones? The Free Cities are a group of nine independent city-states located across the Narrow Sea from Westeros. In this article, we will focus on the map of Free Cities and explore the history, culture, and geography of these fascinating places.

What are the Free Cities?

The Free Cities are a group of nine city-states located in Essos, the eastern continent of the world of Game of Thrones. They are known as "free" because they are independent of any kingdom or empire, and their rulers are elected by the people. The major cities are Braavos, Lorath, Pentos, Myr, Lys, Tyrosh, Volantis, Qohor, and Norvos.

The History of the Free Cities

The Free Cities were founded after the fall of the Valyrian Empire, which was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Doom. The surviving Valyrians fled to the Free Cities and established new homes there. Over time, the Free Cities developed their own unique cultures and economies, and became major players in the world of trade and commerce.

The Geography of the Free Cities

The Free Cities are located on the western coast of Essos, along the narrow sea that separates it from Westeros. Each city has its own distinct geography and climate. Braavos, for example, is built on a series of islands connected by canals and bridges, while Lorath is located on a rocky peninsula. Tyrosh is known for its lush gardens and citrus groves, while Qohor is situated in a forested region.

The Culture of the Free Cities

The Free Cities are known for their diversity and cosmopolitanism. Each city has its own unique customs, traditions, and religions. Braavos is home to the Faceless Men, a secretive order of assassins, while Myr is famous for its glassblowers. The people of Tyrosh are known for their love of bright colors and exotic clothing, while the Norvoshi are renowned for their fierce warriors.

The Free Cities in Game of Thrones

The Free Cities play an important role in the world of Game of Thrones. Many of the major characters come from the Free Cities, including Daenerys Targaryen, who was born in Pentos, and Arya Stark, who travels to Braavos to study with the Faceless Men. The Free Cities are also home to some of the most memorable locations in the show, such as the Titan of Braavos and the Long Bridge of Volantis.

Question and Answer

Q: What are the Free Cities in Game of Thrones?

A: The Free Cities are a group of nine independent city-states located in Essos, the eastern continent of the world of Game of Thrones.

Q: What is the history of the Free Cities?

A: The Free Cities were founded after the fall of the Valyrian Empire, and developed their own unique cultures and economies over time.

Q: What is the geography of the Free Cities?

A: Each city has its own distinct geography and climate, with Braavos being built on a series of islands and Lorath located on a rocky peninsula.

Q: What is the culture of the Free Cities?

A: The Free Cities are known for their diversity and cosmopolitanism, with each city having its own customs, traditions, and religions.


The Free Cities are a fascinating part of the world of Game of Thrones, and an important element of the show's rich and complex mythology. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the series, exploring the map of the Free Cities is a great way to deepen your understanding of this unforgettable world.

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