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Exploring The Unique Map Of Usa Drawn By Foreigners

Written by Mable Stanley Dec 31, 2022 · 4 min read
Exploring The Unique Map Of Usa Drawn By Foreigners

Have you ever seen a map of the United States drawn by foreigners? It's a fascinating and unique perspective on our country, and it's something that is worth exploring. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the interesting features of these maps and what they can tell us about the way that people from other countries view the USA. Whether you're a geography buff or just curious about other cultures, this is an article you won't want to miss.

Table of Contents

I Asked 20 Coworkers To Draw The United States. Most Couldn't. HuffPost
I Asked 20 Coworkers To Draw The United States. Most Couldn't. HuffPost from


Have you ever seen a map of the United States drawn by foreigners? It's a fascinating and unique perspective on our country, and it's something that is worth exploring. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the interesting features of these maps and what they can tell us about the way that people from other countries view the USA. Whether you're a geography buff or just curious about other cultures, this is an article you won't want to miss.

The Origins of Foreign-Made Maps of the USA

Foreign-made maps of the USA have been around for centuries. Some of the earliest examples date back to the 16th century, when European explorers first began to explore the New World. Over time, as the USA became a more important player on the world stage, more and more foreigners began to take an interest in mapping our country. Today, there are dozens of different maps of the USA drawn by people from all over the world.

The Unique Features of Foreign-Made Maps of the USA

One of the most interesting things about foreign-made maps of the USA is that they often highlight different features than American-made maps. For example, maps made by Europeans tend to focus more on the historic landmarks and cultural sites of the country, while maps made by Asians tend to focus more on the natural beauty of the land. Additionally, some maps may include different political boundaries or use different color schemes than we're used to seeing in American-made maps.

What Can We Learn from Foreign-Made Maps of the USA?

Foreign-made maps of the USA can tell us a lot about how people from other countries view our country. For example, if a map focuses heavily on the natural beauty of the land, it might suggest that people from that country place a high value on environmental conservation. Similarly, if a map highlights the cultural landmarks of the USA, it might suggest that people from that country are interested in American history and culture. By studying foreign-made maps of the USA, we can gain a better understanding of how our country is perceived around the world.

Question and Answer

Q: Who are some famous foreigners who have made maps of the USA?

A: There are many famous foreigners who have made maps of the USA over the years. Some notable examples include John Ogilby, a Scottish cartographer who made a map of the USA in the 17th century, and Heinrich Berann, an Austrian artist who made a stunning panoramic map of the USA in the 20th century.

Q: How are foreign-made maps of the USA different from American-made maps?

A: Foreign-made maps of the USA often highlight different features than American-made maps. For example, maps made by Europeans tend to focus more on historic landmarks and cultural sites, while maps made by Asians tend to focus more on the natural beauty of the land. Additionally, some maps may include different political boundaries or use different color schemes than we're used to seeing in American-made maps.

Q: What can we learn from studying foreign-made maps of the USA?

A: By studying foreign-made maps of the USA, we can gain a better understanding of how our country is perceived around the world. For example, if a map focuses heavily on the natural beauty of the land, it might suggest that people from that country place a high value on environmental conservation. Similarly, if a map highlights the cultural landmarks of the USA, it might suggest that people from that country are interested in American history and culture.


Foreign-made maps of the USA are a fascinating and unique way to explore our country. By studying these maps, we can gain a better understanding of how people from other countries view the USA, as well as learn more about the diverse cultural and natural features of our land. Whether you're a geography buff or just curious about other cultures, taking a closer look at foreign-made maps of the USA is something that is well worth your time.

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