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Map Of Westeros After Season 8

Written by Pauline Lafleur Sep 07, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Map Of Westeros After Season 8

After the grand finale of Game of Thrones in 2019, fans were left with a lot of questions and speculations regarding the fates of their favorite characters and the future of Westeros. One of the biggest questions was about the map of Westeros after season 8.

Table of Contents

Westeros / Map / Houses Westeros map, Game of thrones map, Map poster
Westeros / Map / Houses Westeros map, Game of thrones map, Map poster from


After the grand finale of Game of Thrones in 2019, fans were left with a lot of questions and speculations regarding the fates of their favorite characters and the future of Westeros. One of the biggest questions was about the map of Westeros after season 8.

The New Rulers

After the events of season 8, the Iron Throne was no more, and a new era began in Westeros. Bran Stark was crowned as the new king, and Sansa Stark became the queen of the North. The Seven Kingdoms were now ruled by the Starks, and a new map of Westeros emerged.

The North

The North remained an independent kingdom, with Sansa Stark as its queen. The region was untouched by the war, and its people were recovering from the losses of the past battles. The new map of Westeros showed the North as a separate entity, with its own borders and alliances.

The Riverlands and the Vale

The Riverlands and the Vale were also under the rule of the Starks, as Bran Stark was the king of the Seven Kingdoms. These regions were also recovering from the war, and their people were trying to rebuild their lives. The new map of Westeros showed these regions as part of the Seven Kingdoms, with their own borders and lords.

The Westerlands and the Reach

The Westerlands and the Reach were under the rule of Tyrion Lannister, who was appointed as the Hand of the King by Bran Stark. These regions were also recovering from the war, and their people were trying to rebuild their homes and businesses. The new map of Westeros showed these regions as part of the Seven Kingdoms, with their own borders and lords.

The Stormlands and Dorne

The Stormlands and Dorne were the only regions that were not directly affected by the war, as their rulers remained neutral throughout the conflict. These regions were still independent, with their own rulers and borders. The new map of Westeros showed these regions as separate entities, with their own alliances and relations with the Seven Kingdoms.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands remained under the rule of Yara Greyjoy, who pledged her loyalty to the new king, Bran Stark. The region was still recovering from the losses of the past battles, and its people were trying to rebuild their fleets and trade. The new map of Westeros showed the Iron Islands as part of the Seven Kingdoms, with Yara Greyjoy as its lord.

Question and Answer

Q: What was the biggest change in the map of Westeros after season 8?

A: The biggest change was the independence of the North, under the rule of Sansa Stark.

Q: Who ruled the Westerlands and the Reach after season 8?

A: Tyrion Lannister was appointed as the Hand of the King by Bran Stark, and he ruled the Westerlands and the Reach.


The map of Westeros after season 8 showed a new era of peace and stability, under the rule of the Starks and their allies. The Seven Kingdoms were now united, with their own borders and alliances, and the people were trying to rebuild their lives after the losses of the past war. The new map of Westeros was a symbol of hope for the future of the realm, and the beginning of a new chapter in its history.

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