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Map Of Westeros Braavos

Written by Ben Javu Oct 01, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Map Of Westeros Braavos

Westeros and Braavos are two of the most popular fictional places in the world of Game of Thrones. These places have been the center of attention for the fans of the show and the books. One of the most interesting things about these places is their map. The map of Westeros Braavos is something that every Game of Thrones fan should know about.

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Westeros Map Braavos Maps of the World
Westeros Map Braavos Maps of the World from
Map of Westeros Braavos


Westeros and Braavos are two of the most popular fictional places in the world of Game of Thrones. These places have been the center of attention for the fans of the show and the books. One of the most interesting things about these places is their map. The map of Westeros Braavos is something that every Game of Thrones fan should know about.

What is Westeros?

Westeros is a continent located in the world of Game of Thrones. It is divided into several regions ruled by different houses. The most famous houses are House Stark, House Lannister, and House Targaryen. The capital of Westeros is King's Landing, which is ruled by the Iron Throne.

What is Braavos?

Braavos is a city-state located in Essos, the eastern continent of the Game of Thrones world. Braavos is known for its canals, which are used as the main mode of transportation. It is also known for its Faceless Men, who are assassins that can change their appearance.

The Map of Westeros Braavos

The map of Westeros Braavos is a detailed map that shows the different regions of Westeros and the city of Braavos. The map is divided into several sections, each showing a different region of Westeros. The map also shows the location of Braavos in relation to the rest of Westeros.

Why is the Map Important?

The map of Westeros Braavos is important because it helps fans of the show and the books understand the geography of the world. It also helps them understand the different regions and their importance in the story. The map is also helpful for people who are planning to visit the filming locations of the show.

How to Read the Map

The map of Westeros Braavos is easy to read. Each section is labeled with the name of the region, and the cities and towns are marked with symbols. The map also shows the location of the Wall, which separates Westeros from the lands beyond.


The map of Westeros Braavos is an important part of the Game of Thrones world. It helps fans understand the geography of the world and the different regions. The map is also helpful for people who are planning to visit the filming locations of the show. If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, you should definitely take a look at the map of Westeros Braavos.

Question and Answer

Q: Why is the map of Westeros Braavos important?

A: The map of Westeros Braavos is important because it helps fans of the show and the books understand the geography of the world. It also helps them understand the different regions and their importance in the story.

Q: How can the map of Westeros Braavos be helpful for people?

A: The map of Westeros Braavos is helpful for people who are planning to visit the filming locations of the show. It can help them plan their trip and understand the different locations.

Q: How to read the map of Westeros Braavos?

A: The map of Westeros Braavos is easy to read. Each section is labeled with the name of the region, and the cities and towns are marked with symbols. The map also shows the location of the Wall, which separates Westeros from the lands beyond.

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