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Map Of Westeros During Aegon's Conquest

Written by Juan Stafford Sep 14, 2022 ยท 5 min read
Map Of Westeros During Aegon's Conquest

Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms, is a vast continent in the world of Game of Thrones. It is home to several powerful houses, each vying for control of the Iron Throne. The history of Westeros is rich and fascinating, and one of the most significant events in its history is Aegon's Conquest.

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The Entire History Of Westeros Told Through More Than A Dozen Maps
The Entire History Of Westeros Told Through More Than A Dozen Maps from


Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms, is a vast continent in the world of Game of Thrones. It is home to several powerful houses, each vying for control of the Iron Throne. The history of Westeros is rich and fascinating, and one of the most significant events in its history is Aegon's Conquest.

What was Aegon's Conquest?

Aegon Targaryen was a great conqueror who came to Westeros with his two sisters and their dragons. He landed on the eastern coast of Westeros with his army and began his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. His goal was to unite the Seven Kingdoms under his rule and establish the Targaryen dynasty as the rulers of Westeros.

What was the map of Westeros during Aegon's Conquest?

The map of Westeros during Aegon's Conquest was vastly different from the map we see in the show. At the time, the Seven Kingdoms were divided and ruled by different kings. Aegon's conquest changed the political landscape of Westeros forever.

The Seven Kingdoms Before Aegon's Conquest

Before Aegon's conquest, the Seven Kingdoms were ruled by seven different kings. The North was ruled by House Stark, the Vale was ruled by House Arryn, the Riverlands were ruled by House Tully, the Westerlands were ruled by House Lannister, the Reach was ruled by House Gardener, the Stormlands were ruled by House Durrandon, and the Iron Islands were ruled by House Hoare.

These kingdoms were constantly at war with each other, and there was no central authority to keep them in check. Aegon saw this as an opportunity to conquer Westeros and establish a unified kingdom under his rule.

Aegon's Conquest

Aegon's conquest began with his landing on the eastern coast of Westeros with his army and dragons. He quickly established a stronghold on the island of Dragonstone and began his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms.

He first set his sights on the Reach, which was ruled by House Gardener. He defeated the Gardeners in the Field of Fire, where his dragons burned the Gardeners' army and broke their ranks. With the Reach under his control, Aegon turned his attention to the Westerlands and the Riverlands.

House Lannister of the Westerlands surrendered to Aegon without a fight, and House Tully of the Riverlands joined Aegon's cause after he married one of their daughters.

The Fall of the Stormlands and the Iron Islands

House Durrandon of the Stormlands put up a fierce resistance against Aegon's forces. However, Aegon's sister Visenya flew on her dragon to Storm's End and convinced the lord to surrender. With the Stormlands under his control, Aegon turned his attention to the Iron Islands.

The Iron Islands were ruled by House Hoare, a fierce and powerful house that had been raiding the coast of Westeros for centuries. Aegon's army and dragons defeated the Ironborn in a series of battles, and House Hoare was extinguished. The Iron Islands were then ruled by House Greyjoy, who pledged their loyalty to Aegon.

The North and the Vale

The North and the Vale were the last kingdoms to fall to Aegon's conquest. House Stark of the North refused to bend the knee to Aegon, and House Arryn of the Vale remained neutral.

Aegon's sister Visenya flew on her dragon to the Eyrie, the seat of House Arryn, and convinced the lord to join Aegon's cause. With the Vale on his side, Aegon marched his army north to Winterfell, the seat of House Stark.

House Stark put up a fierce resistance, but Aegon's dragons proved too much for them to handle. The King in the North, Torrhen Stark, knelt before Aegon and pledged his loyalty, bringing an end to Aegon's conquest.

The New Map of Westeros

Aegon's conquest changed the map of Westeros forever. The Seven Kingdoms were united under his rule, and the Targaryen dynasty was established as the rulers of Westeros. Aegon built the capital city of King's Landing and the Iron Throne, the seat of the Targaryen dynasty.

The new map of Westeros had nine regions instead of seven. The Iron Islands and the Riverlands were made into their own regions, and the Crownlands, the area surrounding King's Landing, became a new region.


Aegon's conquest was a significant event in the history of Westeros. It changed the political landscape of the continent forever and established the Targaryen dynasty as the rulers of Westeros. The map of Westeros during Aegon's conquest was vastly different from the map we see in the show, and it's fascinating to see how the Seven Kingdoms became the united kingdom we know today.

Question and Answer

Q: Who were the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms before Aegon's conquest?

A: The Seven Kingdoms were ruled by House Stark, House Arryn, House Tully, House Lannister, House Gardener, House Durrandon, and House Hoare.

Q: How did Aegon conquer Westeros?

A: Aegon landed on the eastern coast of Westeros with his army and dragons and began his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. He defeated the rulers of each kingdom and established a unified kingdom under his rule.

Q: How did Aegon's conquest change the map of Westeros?

A: Aegon's conquest united the Seven Kingdoms under his rule and established the Targaryen dynasty as the rulers of Westeros. The new map of Westeros had nine regions instead of seven, with the Iron Islands and the Riverlands becoming their own regions, and the Crownlands becoming a new region.

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