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The Map Of Westeros Horn Hill: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by Mable Stanley Dec 24, 2022 ยท 3 min read
The Map Of Westeros Horn Hill: A Comprehensive Guide

Westeros is a vast continent with an intricate history, and the map of the region plays a crucial role in understanding the lay of the land. One of the most fascinating locations in Westeros is Horn Hill, the ancestral seat of House Tarly. In this article, we'll delve into the details of the map of Westeros Horn Hill and explore its rich history and significance.

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Map of Westeros by SupposedlyHuman on DeviantArt
Map of Westeros by SupposedlyHuman on DeviantArt from


Westeros is a vast continent with an intricate history, and the map of the region plays a crucial role in understanding the lay of the land. One of the most fascinating locations in Westeros is Horn Hill, the ancestral seat of House Tarly. In this article, we'll delve into the details of the map of Westeros Horn Hill and explore its rich history and significance.

The Geography of Horn Hill

Horn Hill is situated in the southwestern part of Westeros, close to the Reach. It's a hilly region with lush greenery and fertile soil. The castle itself is built on a hill, which provides a strategic advantage in times of war. The surrounding lands are dotted with small villages and farms, which are responsible for supplying the castle with food and resources.

What is the significance of Horn Hill in the history of Westeros?

Horn Hill has played a crucial role in the history of Westeros, particularly during the Targaryen conquest. The Tarly family was instrumental in helping Aegon Targaryen defeat the armies of the Reach. In recognition of their loyalty, Aegon granted them the castle and the surrounding lands.

What is the current state of Horn Hill?

Currently, Horn Hill is still owned by House Tarly, although it has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years. During the War of the Five Kings, the castle was occupied by the forces of House Tyrell and suffered significant damage. However, the Tarly family was able to reclaim their ancestral home after the Battle of Blackwater.

The Culture of Horn Hill

Horn Hill has a rich cultural heritage that is deeply intertwined with the values of House Tarly. The Tarly family is known for its martial prowess, and the castle is home to a training ground where young knights and soldiers are trained in the art of war. The people of Horn Hill are proud of their heritage and fiercely loyal to their lords.

What is the role of women in the culture of Horn Hill?

Women in Horn Hill are expected to adhere to traditional gender roles. They are responsible for managing the household and raising children, while men are expected to provide for their families and serve as soldiers. However, there have been notable exceptions to this rule, such as Brienne of Tarth, who defied gender norms by becoming a warrior.

The Future of Horn Hill

Despite the challenges it has faced, Horn Hill remains an important location in Westeros, and its future is closely tied to the fortunes of House Tarly. As the realm continues to grapple with political instability and threats from beyond the Wall, the people of Horn Hill will be called upon to defend their homes and their way of life.

What challenges does Horn Hill face in the future?

Horn Hill faces a number of challenges in the years to come. The region is vulnerable to attacks from bandits and raiders, and the castle itself requires significant repair and reconstruction. In addition, House Tarly must navigate the treacherous political landscape of Westeros and forge alliances with other noble houses if they hope to survive in the long term.


The map of Westeros Horn Hill is a fascinating and complex topic that offers insights into the history, culture, and future of this important location. Whether you're a fan of the books or the TV show, exploring the rich tapestry of Westerosi history is a rewarding experience that is sure to deepen your appreciation for this beloved fictional world.

What is the most interesting thing you learned about Horn Hill from this article?

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