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Map Of Westeros Regions

Written by Juan Stafford Jan 11, 2023 · 3 min read
Map Of Westeros Regions

If you're a fan of the popular TV series Game of Thrones, then you're probably familiar with the map of Westeros. This fictional continent is divided into several regions, each with its unique culture, history, and people. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different regions of Westeros and what makes them unique.

Table of Contents

[No Spoilers] Regions of Westeros v1.0 Westerosi Political Map
[No Spoilers] Regions of Westeros v1.0 Westerosi Political Map from
Map of Westeros Regions

If you're a fan of the popular TV series Game of Thrones, then you're probably familiar with the map of Westeros. This fictional continent is divided into several regions, each with its unique culture, history, and people. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different regions of Westeros and what makes them unique.

The North

The North is the largest and northernmost region of Westeros. It is known for its harsh winters, rugged terrain, and fierce warriors. The people of The North are fiercely independent and take great pride in their culture and traditions. The Stark family, one of the most prominent families in the series, hails from this region.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family is from The North?

A: The Stark family.

The Vale

The Vale is a region located in the eastern part of Westeros. It is known for its beautiful scenery, including the Eyrie, a castle perched on top of a mountain. The people of The Vale are known for their strong sense of honor and loyalty. The Arryn family, who rules The Vale, is one of the oldest and most respected families in Westeros.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules The Vale?

A: The Arryn family.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands is a region located in the center of Westeros. It is known for its fertile lands and numerous rivers. The people of The Riverlands are diverse, with many different cultures and traditions. The Tully family, who rules The Riverlands, is known for its loyalty and military strength.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules The Riverlands?

A: The Tully family.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are a group of islands located off the western coast of Westeros. They are known for their seafaring culture and fierce warriors. The people of The Iron Islands are independent and value strength and honor above all else. The Greyjoy family, who rules The Iron Islands, is known for its naval power.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules The Iron Islands?

A: The Greyjoy family.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands is a region located in the western part of Westeros. It is known for its rich mines of gold and silver, which has made the Lannister family, who rules The Westerlands, one of the wealthiest families in Westeros. The people of The Westerlands are proud and ambitious, and they value wealth and power above all else.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules The Westerlands?

A: The Lannister family.

The Reach

The Reach is a region located in the south of Westeros. It is known for its fertile lands and abundance of food. The people of The Reach are known for their chivalry and love of beauty. The Tyrell family, who rules The Reach, is one of the most powerful families in Westeros and is known for its wealth and political savvy.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules The Reach?

A: The Tyrell family.


Dorne is a region located in the south of Westeros, along the coast. It is known for its hot climate and exotic culture. The people of Dorne are proud and independent, and they value their freedom above all else. The Martell family, who rules Dorne, is known for its fierce loyalty and determination.

Question and Answer:

Q: Which family rules Dorne?

A: The Martell family.

These are just a few of the regions of Westeros, each with its unique culture, history, and people. As you explore the world of Game of Thrones, take the time to appreciate the intricacies of each region and the characters that call them home.

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