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Map Usa Vs Australia: Differences And Similarities

Written by Ben Javu May 08, 2023 · 4 min read
Map Usa Vs Australia: Differences And Similarities

USA and Australia are two countries that have many differences and similarities. Both countries are located on different continents and have different cultures, languages, and lifestyles. However, they share many common values, such as democracy, freedom, and capitalism. Let's take a closer look at the map of USA vs Australia and explore their differences and similarities.

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Australia over USA ©© Population USA 2… Flickr
Australia over USA ©© Population USA 2… Flickr from

The Basics: USA and Australia

USA and Australia are two countries that have many differences and similarities. Both countries are located on different continents and have different cultures, languages, and lifestyles. However, they share many common values, such as democracy, freedom, and capitalism. Let's take a closer look at the map of USA vs Australia and explore their differences and similarities.

What is the size of USA and Australia?

The USA is the third-largest country in the world, covering an area of 9.83 million square kilometers. In contrast, Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world, covering an area of 7.69 million square kilometers. Despite being smaller in size, Australia has a larger coastline than the USA.

What are the climate differences between USA and Australia?

The USA has a diverse climate due to its large size and varied topography. The climate ranges from tropical in Florida to subarctic in Alaska. In contrast, Australia has a mostly arid or semi-arid climate, with hot and dry summers and mild winters. The northern part of Australia experiences tropical monsoon climate.

What are the population differences between USA and Australia?

The USA has a population of around 332 million people, making it the third most populous country in the world. In contrast, Australia has a population of around 25 million people. The USA has a higher population density than Australia, with most people living in urban areas.

What are the political differences between USA and Australia?

The USA is a federal presidential constitutional republic, while Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The USA has a two-party political system, while Australia has a multi-party political system. The USA has a president as its head of state, while Australia has a monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II) as its head of state, represented by the Governor-General.

Cultural Differences and Similarities

What are the cultural differences between USA and Australia?

The USA and Australia have different cultural backgrounds and histories. The USA has a diverse population with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, including Native American, African American, Hispanic, and Asian. In contrast, Australia has a predominantly Anglo-Celtic culture, with significant Indigenous, European, and Asian influences. The USA has a strong emphasis on individualism, while Australia values equality and mateship.

What are the cultural similarities between USA and Australia?

Despite their cultural differences, the USA and Australia share many similarities, such as their love for sports, music, and movies. Both countries have a strong tradition of democracy, freedom, and entrepreneurship. They also share a common language, as English is the primary language spoken in both countries.

Economic Differences and Similarities

What are the economic differences between USA and Australia?

The USA and Australia have different economic structures and systems. The USA has the world's largest economy, with a GDP of $21.44 trillion, while Australia has the 14th largest economy, with a GDP of $1.39 trillion. The USA has a highly diversified economy, with a strong focus on technology, finance, and services. In contrast, Australia's economy is heavily reliant on its natural resources, such as coal, iron ore, and gold.

What are the economic similarities between USA and Australia?

The USA and Australia share many economic similarities, such as their open and market-oriented economies. Both countries have a high standard of living, with a GDP per capita of $64,767 for the USA and $55,474 for Australia. They also have a strong trading relationship, with the USA being Australia's second-largest trading partner after China.


Although the USA and Australia have many differences, they also share many similarities. Both countries have a rich history, diverse culture, and strong economy. By understanding the map of USA vs Australia, we can appreciate their differences and similarities and learn from each other's strengths.

Do you prefer living in the USA or Australia? Let us know in the comments below!

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