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Exploring The Us: States I've Visited

Written by Ben Javu Dec 14, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Exploring The Us: States I've Visited

It all started back in 2010 when I decided to take a road trip across the United States. I packed my bags and set out on an adventure that would forever change my life. I wanted to see as much of the country as possible and experience the different cultures of each state.

Table of Contents

US Map
US Map from

The Start of My Travel Journey

It all started back in 2010 when I decided to take a road trip across the United States. I packed my bags and set out on an adventure that would forever change my life. I wanted to see as much of the country as possible and experience the different cultures of each state.

My First Stop: New York

The first state I visited was New York. I was amazed by the skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle of New York City. I visited the Statue of Liberty and walked through Central Park. It was a great start to my trip.

Question: Which State was the First you Visited?

Answer: The first state I visited was New York.

My Favorite State: California

After New York, I traveled to many other states, but my favorite was California. The beaches and the weather were amazing. I visited Hollywood and saw the stars on the Walk of Fame. I also went to Disneyland and had a blast.

Question: What is your Favorite State you have Visited?

Answer: My favorite state I have visited is California.

Traveling Solo vs. Traveling with Friends

During my travels, I have gone on trips with friends and also traveled solo. Both have their pros and cons. When traveling solo, I have more freedom to do what I want, but it can also be lonely at times. When traveling with friends, I have someone to share the experience with, but there can also be conflicts.

Question: Do you Prefer Traveling Solo or with Friends?

Answer: I enjoy both, but it depends on the trip and the company.

Bucket List States

There are still many states I have yet to visit, but some on my bucket list include Hawaii, Alaska, and Montana. I would love to see the beaches of Hawaii, the glaciers of Alaska, and the mountains of Montana.

Question: What States are on Your Bucket List?

Answer: Some states on my bucket list include Hawaii, Alaska, and Montana.

Tips for Traveling

When traveling, it's important to plan ahead and do your research. Make sure to pack appropriately for the weather and activities you'll be doing. It's also important to be open-minded and try new things.

Question: What are Your Tips for Traveling?

Answer: My tips for traveling include planning ahead, packing appropriately, being open-minded, and trying new things.


Traveling across the United States has been an amazing experience. I have seen so much of this great country and met many interesting people along the way. I can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead.

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